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Introducing myself! - Printable Version

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Introducing myself! - Jayrizzy - 2013-08-11

Runescape Name: AnnaKendrick or Jayrizzy
Real-life name/nickname: Justin or Jay
Age: 20
Country: US
Describe yourself in one word: Loyal

What made you start playing runescape: I had friends that got me into the game but they quit.
Favorite Movie: I have a favorite movie series. It's the Fast and Furious movies.
Occupation: I park fancy cars.
Other language(s): A little bit of Spanish and Tagalog.
Hobbies/talents: Basketball.

RE: Introducing myself! - Alex - 2013-08-11


RE: Introducing myself! - Wader - 2013-08-11

Welcome to Surreal, Jay smile

RE: Introducing myself! - Witch - 2013-08-11

Welcome! smile

RE: Introducing myself! - Jos - 2013-08-11

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Introducing myself! - Schmidty102 - 2013-08-11

Welcome smile

RE: Introducing myself! - Joseph - 2013-08-11

Welcome to surreal Jay smile

RE: Introducing myself! - Killians - 2013-08-11

Hey, welcome
is it safe that you like fast and furious, and you 'park fancy cars" ??
= ]

RE: Introducing myself! - Tay - 2013-08-12

Welcome to Surreal. Enjoy your stay! smile

RE: Introducing myself! - Ava - 2013-08-12

Hey Jay! Welcome to Surreal smile