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Hello guys :) - Printable Version

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Hello guys :) - Psycho Tree - 2013-08-13

Runescape Name: Psycho Tree
Real-life name/nickname: Vegard
Age: 17
Country: Norway
Describe yourself in one word: Small

What made you start playing runescape: Started first back in elementary school because I heard some friends talk about it, but I only played 2 or 3 months before quitting. Last year I came back to runescape and for the past year I've played a great deal.
Favorite Movie: Donnie Darko.
Occupation: Right now I'm in my second year at high school.
Other language(s): Norwegian and a tiny bit Spanish.
Hobbies/talents: Don't have any talents but I love computers and technology. So on my free time I'm trying to learn programming. Also I watch A lot of anime and listen to music.

RE: Hello guys :) - Liz - 2013-08-13

Welcome! smile

RE: Hello guys :) - Wader - 2013-08-13

Welcome to Surreal, Vegard smile

RE: Hello guys :) - Angus - 2013-08-14

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hello guys :) - Killians - 2013-08-14

Hello, welcome man, if you have any questions feel free to pm me, also join the CC =]

RE: Hello guys :) - Tay - 2013-08-14

Welcome to our forums, Vegard! Good luck learning programming, I'm sure it will come in handy Biggrin

RE: Hello guys :) - Downfall - 2013-08-14

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hello guys :) - old_jon - 2013-08-14

Hello Vegard and welcome to Clan Surreal!

I reckon this clan is pretty good so please enjoy! Good

RE: Hello guys :) - Jos - 2013-08-14

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hello guys :) - Bowlinmaster - 2013-08-14

Welcome! Grin