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Greetings from Sum moning! - Printable Version

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Greetings from Sum moning! - Sum moning - 2013-08-15

Runescape Name: Sum moning
Real-life name/nickname: Matt/Mattaus (Matt-Ay-Us)
Age: 15
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Fun

What made you start playing runescape: A friend back in 2008.
Favorite Movie: Hot Shots: Part deux
Occupation: Student.
Other language(s): Some German
Hobbies/talents: Guitarist, Artist, PVMing on Runescape, Gaming.

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - old_jon - 2013-08-16

Welcome to Clan Surreal Matt. smile

I ahve a question regarding your name and it's affiliation with the summoning skill. Why is that? Grin

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - Tay - 2013-08-16

Welcome to Surreal, Matt smile I hope to see you stick around!

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - Orcus - 2013-08-16

Welcome to Surreal!
Hope you enjoy your time here

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - Jos - 2013-08-16

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - Linspire - 2013-08-16

Hey Matt, Welcome to Surreal Biggrin

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - N U M A - 2013-08-16

Welcome to Surreal, i hope you like your stay.

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - Sum moning - 2013-08-16

Thanks everyonesmile And old_jon, I wanted a name after an item or skill, finding one was difficult as most were taken. Then I remembered that in Burthorpe, some npc's such as 'Bar Rows' were named after the minigame Barrows. That's where I thought of the idea of Sum moning. smile

RE: Greetings from Sum moning! - Wader - 2013-08-16

Welcome to Surreal, Matt smile