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Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Printable Version

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Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Sober Sailor - 2013-09-12

Runescape Name: Sober Sailor
Real-life name/nickname: Matthew/Matt
Age: 23
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Sailor

What made you start playing runescape: Boredom
Favorite Movie: Shooter
Occupation: Naval Shipboard Firefighter
Other language(s): Sailor talk
Hobbies/talents: Computer/ Computer games, Xbox 360, Hanging out with my wife and my 2 pups.

Hello =)

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Downfall - 2013-09-12

Hey Matt Biggrin Welcome to Surreal. Boredom got me into it, too. Boredom created this place as well! Sober Sailor is a bit of an interesting name - where'd that come from?

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Blur - 2013-09-12

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Sober Sailor - 2013-09-12

Well I myself am a sailor lol, Im in the US Navy. And sober is far from what most sailors are so I just thought eh a sober sailor would be a good name.

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Tay - 2013-09-12

Welcome to Surreal, Matt! Enjoy your stay (y)

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Rinaldi - 2013-09-12

Welcome Matt! I like the name. smile

Hope you enjoy it here buddy, hope to cross paths in game!

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Angus - 2013-09-12

Hey Matt, welcome to the Surreal forums mate smile

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Jos - 2013-09-12

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - Trey- - 2013-09-12

Hey Matt, I see you in the CC sometime! Welcome to forums and enjoy your stay. Biggrin

RE: Introduction of a Sober Sailor - South gal79 - 2013-09-12

Hey Matt, Welcome to Surreal. I'm assuming you "cuss like a sailor" hehe jus kiddin, that phrase is used a lot here in Mississippi. Hope you enjoy yourself around us.