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My Introduction to Surreal - Printable Version

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My Introduction to Surreal - Jack - 2013-10-06

Runescape Name: Im A Unicorn
Real-life name/nickname: Jack
Age: 14 - Played for 5 years and I am now a vivid player, some may look at me as young, but i'm just the same as the rest Tongue
Country: United Kingdom
Describe yourself in one word: Talkative

What made you start playing runescape: My friend irl (Patrick) played this game called 'Runescape' but back then I thought it was Run Escape. He had been playing the game for some while and he told me the game involved goblins and mages, so I told him i'd play. After a hard time downloading the Java (Had no idea how to do it) the game loaded up.
Favorite Movie: The Internship
Occupation: Currently in school
Other language(s): Studying French
Hobbies/talents: Runescape, cycling, socialising, making videos.

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Jonathan - 2013-10-06

Socialising is a hobbie? Biggrin Oh and that part where you said you had hard time downloading java made me smile a little bit. And "Run Escape" is a first for me! BiggrinBiggrin Had good, clean fun reading your intro.

Oh... hi, I´m Jon!!

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Jos - 2013-10-06

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Liz - 2013-10-06

Hi smile

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Angus - 2013-10-07

Welcome to the forums smile

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Tay - 2013-10-07

Funny you should mention the whole "Run Escape" idea.. I thought the exact same thing when I first started!
Welcome to Surreal, Jack. Enjoy your stay (y)

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Debs - 2013-10-07

Welcome to Surreal smile I saw you in clan chat earlier.


RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Killians - 2013-10-07

Hey, welcome, any questions feel free to message me

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Wader - 2013-10-07

Welcome to Surreal, Jack #3 Biggrin

RE: My Introduction to Surreal - Danny - 2013-10-08

Welcome Jack #3 smile