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Greetings! - Jace - 2013-10-14

Hey Surreal! I'm just popping in to say hi Tongue I probably won't be able to join for awhile because I'm not 1700+ total (I'm 1635, it takes me ages to level because I grind skills to 99), but I plan on sticking around the forums/CC. Shoutouts to Wader and Lyari as they were both in Irenic with me! <3

Runescape Name: Sky Jace
Real-life name/nickname: Jamie
Age: 21
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Oh man I hate these ...whoops I just broke the rule

What made you start playing Runescape: A friend of mine introduced me to it back in 2004, and I've been playing on and off ever since!
Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings trilogy
Occupation: Student/Systems Administrator/Software Engineer
Other language(s): Python, Java, C, Ruby ...although if you mean spoken languages, then Cantonese and Mandarin
Hobbies/talents: Gaming, Programming, Designing, Longboarding, Music, Gaming, Longboarding, Gaming

Here's me!

[Image: sDZhSOK.jpg?1]

RE: Greetings! - Blur - 2013-10-14

Hey Jamie smile Welcome to the forums! Damn, nice picture. I've tried longboarding a couple of times and enjoyed it, nothing like that though, lol.

If you have an questions, feel free to let us know, otherwise, enjoy!

RE: Greetings! - Debs - 2013-10-14

Hi there and welcome to forums smile

RE: Greetings! - Tay - 2013-10-14

Welcome to Surreal, Jamie smile Was nice chatting to you in the CC earlier. I hope you decide to stick around until you hit 1700!

RE: Greetings! - Wader - 2013-10-14

Hey Jace, welcome to Surreal smile

Need to convert you to a Surrealian Biggrin

RE: Greetings! - Jos - 2013-10-14

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetings! - Jack - 2013-10-14

Welcome to Surreal, Jamie! Bye

I hope once you have the required levels you will come and join us, can't wait to see more of you in game! Grin

RE: Greetings! - Linspire - 2013-10-14

Hello Jamie, Welcome to Surreal Biggrin

RE: Greetings! - Danny - 2013-10-14

Hey, welcome to Surreal. smile

RE: Greetings! - Ava - 2013-10-14

Hey Jace! Welcome to Surreal smile I'm sure you'll have those levels in no time ^.^ Your surreal buddies can definitely help out if you need it too! Biggrin