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Greetings! - Printable Version

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Greetings! - Danxx6 - 2013-11-07

Runescape Name: Danxx6
Real-life name/nickname: Dan
Age: 25
Country: Uk
Describe yourself in one word: Awesome!

What made you start playing runescape: Friends... many many moons ago!
Favorite Movie: That's difficult! (Swordfish/star wars/star trek etc)
Occupation: Technical Support
Other language(s): None...
Hobbies/talents: Runescape?

RE: Greetings! - Danny - 2013-11-07

Welcome to the forums, Dan! smile

RE: Greetings! - Jos - 2013-11-07

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetings! - Ava - 2013-11-07

Yay for tech support! I will now bother you with all of my questions. Wink

Welcome!! smile

RE: Greetings! - Jonathan - 2013-11-07

Welcome !! Wink

RE: Greetings! - Danxx6 - 2013-11-08

Thanks guys smile

& Ava... please don't I get that all day & then night from family... RS is my escape! ha

RE: Greetings! - Gatrie - 2013-11-08

Welcome Dan! Yay for technology! Tongue

RE: Greetings! - Downfall - 2013-11-08

Dan! Fellow tech support guy. Welcome Tongue

RE: Greetings! - Angus - 2013-11-08

Gday m8

RE: Greetings! - Lissesul - 2013-11-08

Welcome smile