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Hey Guys - rpic95 - 2013-12-25

Runescape Name: IsMyNameOkay
Real-life name/nickname: Ryan
Age: 18
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Chill

What made you start playing runescape: 4th grade buddies were into it
Favorite Movie: Anchorman
Occupation: College Student / Waiter
Other language(s):
Hobbies/talents: Love to ski

RE: Hey Guys - Shawn - 2013-12-25

Welcome to Surreal Ryan. skiing is very fun, but i'd rather Snowboard Biggrin

RE: Hey Guys - Killians - 2013-12-25

Hey Ryan, need anything let me know in game or on here.

RE: Hey Guys - Downfall - 2013-12-25

Hey Ryan! Welcome to Surreal. smile

RE: Hey Guys - Debs - 2013-12-25

Hi there and welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hey Guys - Jos - 2013-12-25

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hey Guys - Jonathan - 2013-12-25

Hi and welcome!! Skiing over snowboarding all day, every day!! Wink

RE: Hey Guys - Danny - 2013-12-25

Hey Ryan, welcome to Surreal! smile

RE: Hey Guys - Jack - 2013-12-25

Hey Ryan! Welcome to surreal! Bye

RE: Hey Guys - Dolly - 2013-12-26

Welcome to surreal smile