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Hey Everyone - Exvon - 2014-01-17

Runescape Name: Exvon

Real-life name/nickname: Trevor

Age: 22

Country: United States

Describe yourself in one word: Calm

What made you start playing Runescape: Wayyyy back when in early elementary school, my brothers and I found it online somehow. Those were the early days of classic. I was so young and I had no idea what was going on. I remember thinking that different worlds were entirely new lands to explore.

Favorite Movie: This is always a tough question, but I'll have to say Oceans 11.

Occupation: Freelance film / photography

Other language(s): My mom is Mexican so I know a very small amount of it (grew up in the U.S. so it never stuck with me).

Hobbies/talents: Gaming, hanging out with friends, driving / cars, photography

I've been looking for a more mature and knowledgeable group of players to hangout with as it seems that's pretty difficult to come across in Runescape. Perhaps I just haven't been looking hard enough but this clan seems pretty cool. Besides Irenic, this is the only clan that seems to have any care or knowledge of how to properly put a website together. While I know nothing of web design, I can see that whoever runs all of this cares about presentation, and that certainly means a lot to me.

Can't wait to meet people!

RE: Hey Everyone - Angus - 2014-01-17

Hi Trevor, welcome to Surreal! If you have an questions, don't hesitate to ask smile

RE: Hey Everyone - Debs - 2014-01-17

Welcome to Surreal Trevor smile I'm sure you'll have no problems fitting right in with us here. You've already found us in clan chat and you'll find we're a friendly bunch.

If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask, there's plenty of us willing to help out.

Debs smile

RE: Hey Everyone - Shawn - 2014-01-17

Welcome to Surreal Trevor!

RE: Hey Everyone - Danny - 2014-01-17


RE: Hey Everyone - Jack - 2014-01-17

Hey there, Trevor, Welcome to Surreal! Bye

If you need anything at all, just let me know! I hope you enjoy being here. Biggrin

RE: Hey Everyone - Jos - 2014-01-17

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hey Everyone - Downfall - 2014-01-17

Trevor, welcome to Surreal! smile

RE: Hey Everyone - Blur - 2014-01-17

Oceans Eleven is an amazing movie.. Haven't seen it in a while though. Also, welcome! Lemme know if you have any questions. We're a friendly bunch smile

RE: Hey Everyone - Liz - 2014-01-17

Hi Trevor! Welcome smile