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Forced Sharing - o_0 Timmy - 2014-05-14

Runescape Name: o_0 Timmy
Real-life name/nickname: Timothy, Timmy
Age: 42 years of age (actually 17 imo dont tell anyone :o)
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: hmm thats a hard one idk what i would say D: boring maybe? naaaaa thats not it, probably meh. no wait i got it! rule breaker >Biggrin

What made you start playing runescape: i watched my brother play it sometimes and meh started
Favorite Movie: Captain America
Occupation: Runecape
Other language(s): Nada
Hobbies/talents: Zip

A Miss Heather (Fitchfalcon) made me do this, if i didnt she said she would hit me and ow i dont like being hit :'-[. i hope to meet all yall someday Biggrin and i hope im nicer than Miss Heather (will be hard to beat imo). We met VIA fishing, she told me i better put that or you know (OW!) :'-[

RE: Forced Sharing - Heather - 2014-05-14

RE: Forced Sharing - o_0 Timmy - 2014-05-14

We have Pepsi and i know cookies are great and <3 Miss Ava. Buttt D: i cant force them to do it :'-[ and you did threaten to hit yall pls make her stop :'-[

RE: Forced Sharing - Heather - 2014-05-14

But I thought you liked coked! why be in a clan with pepsi! Traitor!

RE: Forced Sharing - o_0 Timmy - 2014-05-14

I meant my VanillaPepsi leader! He is amazing i couldn't ever leave him D:

RE: Forced Sharing - Heather - 2014-05-14

he's still pepsi!

RE: Forced Sharing - Joseph - 2014-05-14

Yeah i agree Timmy! heather can be ruthless as ever!

Welcome Tim <3

RE: Forced Sharing - Jos - 2014-05-14

Welcome to Surreal

RE: Forced Sharing - Shawn - 2014-05-14

Welcome to Surreal!

RE: Forced Sharing - Debs - 2014-05-14

Hey there Timmy smile Welcome.