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Kam's Intro - Printable Version

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Kam's Intro - x king kam x - 2014-07-03

Runescape Name: x King Kam x King2
Real-life name/nickname: Kameron / Kam
Age: 21
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Expert

What made you start playing runescape: Buddies in middle school back in 2004
Favorite Movie: 22 Jump Street
Occupation: Biology Laboratory Assistant
Hobbies/talents: Saltwater Aquariums and Runescape Paladin

Stats as of 7/2/2014, working on maxed right now
[Image: BxJeNsn.png]

My Saltwater Aquarium
[Image: j2ZCQgn.jpg]

My wife and I
[Image: 16882_10151300877353669_879053204_n.jpg?...e=542D0126]

RE: Kam's Intro - Downfall - 2014-07-03

Hey Kam! Welcome to Surreal matey smile Aquariums are so awesome, and that one is coool. Wish I had one Tongue

Hope to see you around! I'll be away for a bit due to sickness but looking forward to seeing you at an event smile

RE: Kam's Intro - Debs - 2014-07-03

Hi there and welcome smile

I look forward to seeing you around. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Debs smile

RE: Kam's Intro - Jack - 2014-07-03

Welcome to Surreal, Kam!

RE: Kam's Intro - Hayden - 2014-07-03

Hi there Kameron, pleasure to make your acquaintance.

I love that you included pictures in your introduction, I really enjoyed that. I used to have a bunch of fish but it was only fresh water, I was always jealous of salt water. Tongue

I look forward to meeting you, and welcome to Surreal friend. Hi

RE: Kam's Intro - Cava - 2014-07-03

Hello and Welcome to Surreal, I hope you enjoy it here! smile

RE: Kam's Intro - Jos - 2014-07-03

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Kam's Intro - Destriant - 2014-07-03

Welcome to Surreal Kam. (y)

RE: Kam's Intro - Angus - 2014-07-03

Hey Kam, welcome to surreal smile

RE: Kam's Intro - Col ton - 2014-07-03

Hello there, Kam!

I think I may have met you before.... hmmmm.... Whistle

Hope you enjoy your stay, man. Try and have some fun Wink