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Jebs introduction - Printable Version

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Jebs introduction - Hoy Doy - 2014-07-09

Runescape Name: Hoy Doy
Real-life name/nickname: Jeb/Jebikins/Jebby
Age: 16
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Bouncy/loud

What made you start playing runescape: Personally, i dont actually even know.
Favorite Movie: Inception
Occupation: Personal trainer in training
Other language(s): Jiberish
Hobbies/talents: Tenpin bowling, play footy, soccer and cricket.

RE: Jebs introduction - Downfall - 2014-07-09

Hey Jeb, nice to meet ya! Lemme know if there's anything I can do for you in surreal. GL with your application. That punch really hurt :'(

RE: Jebs introduction - Angus - 2014-07-09

Hey, welcome to Surreal Tongue

RE: Jebs introduction - Nevyn - 2014-07-09

Heya Jeb, Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Jebs introduction - Jos - 2014-07-09

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Jebs introduction - Jack - 2014-07-10

Welcome to Surreal.

RE: Jebs introduction - Destriant - 2014-07-10

Welcome to Surreal.

RE: Jebs introduction - Cava - 2014-07-10

Welcome to Surreal! smile

RE: Jebs introduction - Jerome - 2014-07-10

Heya and welcome to Surreal.

RE: Jebs introduction - Debs - 2014-07-13

Hi there and welcome to Surreal smile If you have any questions there are plenty of us around to ask.

Debs smile