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Howdy - Jayce - 2014-08-09

Hi, I'm Jason smile

Guess I'll quickly give some background info

Haven't played the game for probably 3 years'ish? Was pretty heavily into the f2p pk clan scene for around 4 or 5 years before I stopped playing, but that looks to basically be dead now. Was bored yesterday and saw someone mention runescape on reddit and figured I'd check it out and see what it was like (was going to walk around lumbridge and give a load of gold to lvl 3's or something). Saw debs was on, thought I'd message her, used to chill with her and a bunch of others on teamspeak back in the day and haven't spoken to her since before I quit, got chatting to her and she mentioned surreal, thought I'd make an intro.

I guess it's just a waiting game to see if I get back into runecape again (may just be nostalgia kicking in for now), the games changed a fair bit and I don't really know anything about what's going on at the moment. Just walking around clicking random buttons and seeing what happens Blush2 What I do know is that I don't really like playing games on my own, so I guess I'll chill with you guys if you'll have me Tongue

Runescape Name: Crustyninja
Real-life name/nickname: Jason/Jay/Jayce, whatever you prefer
Age: 25
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Relaxed?

What made you start playing runescape: RL friend around 10 years ago
Favorite Movie: Too many to choose from
Occupation: Bumming around in a warehouse currently
Other language(s): None that I'm fluent or could have a conversation in
Hobbies: Gaming, clubbing (can you class that as a hobby?), films, tv, fictional books (specifically the fantasy genre)

RE: Howdy - Nick - 2014-08-09

Hopefully you decide to stick around and give rs a shot! It's fun smile

RE: Howdy - Jack - 2014-08-09

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Howdy - Debs - 2014-08-09

Hey Jay smile

Nice to see you intro here. You'll pick rs up easily and there's plenty of us around that can answer whatever questions you have.

Debs smile

RE: Howdy - Cormag - 2014-08-09

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a friend of Debs is a friend of mine!

Welcome, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

RE: Howdy - Jerome - 2014-08-09

Hey Jay!
I've been playing a while and personally find RS3 more enjoyable than the old versions of the game. I hope you can find some enjoyment too! If you have any questions just ask and I'll try to help you out.

RE: Howdy - Nevyn - 2014-08-09

Welcome to Surreal.

RE: Howdy - Vutu - 2014-08-13

Welcome, hope you can enjoy playing RuneScape again smile