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Tarusami's Intro - Printable Version

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Tarusami's Intro - Entenzu - 2014-10-02

Runescape Name:
Tarusami -- [EDIT]Changing this to Entenzu as the clan requires 1700 total. Sorry about that.

Real-life name/nickname:
David - [EDIT] changing this due to clan rules. Call me Ent or Iz for izikeo. Maybe Taru will work.



Describe yourself in one word:

What made you start playing runescape:
Been playing for a long long time. Decided to start over, and play the game to its fullest as I have missed quite alot. I play this character and Entenzu

Favorite Movie:

Programmer - Web Development & Information Technology Director @ GroSource & CEO @ Kazoto

Other language(s):
Just english, unless you count programming languages.

Computer Science by nature, Web & IT by hobby.

RE: Tarusami's Intro - Debs - 2014-10-03

Hi there and welcome to Surreal smile

I look forward to seeing you around. We have an ingame clan chat "Surreal" so feel free to come in and meet some of the clan.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


RE: Tarusami's Intro - Blur - 2014-10-03

RE: Tarusami's Intro - Entenzu - 2014-10-04

Thanks guys.

I see this website is well coded, so I figured someone had been in IT in this clan. smile

RE: Tarusami's Intro - Codie - 2014-10-05

Welcome to the clan Izikeo! I'm sure you will love it here. I know I did when I first joined!

RE: Tarusami's Intro - Mabaa - 2014-10-05

Welcome to Surreal David!

RE: Tarusami's Intro - Entenzu - 2014-10-05

Thanks smile I appreciate it.

RE: Tarusami's Intro - Cava - 2014-10-06

Welcome to Surreal! You'll love it here smile