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Hello everyone! - vengpjer - 2014-10-15

Runescape Name: RiotGames
Real-life name/nickname: Veng
Age: 18
Country: Slovenia
Describe yourself in one word: Happy

What made you start playing runescape: Started in 2007, when I saw all the older kids playing it and I fell in love with runescape.

Favorite Movie: Would have to be pulp fiction, or ender's game.
Occupation: I am a student at a programming school
Other language(s): Slovenian, English, Maybe a bit of german
Hobbies/talents: My talent is making friends. I just can not hate any one, and it leads to having good relationships with people.

RE: Hello everyone! - Debs - 2014-10-15

Hi there and Welcome to Surreal smile
I look forward to seeing you around. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Debs smile

RE: Hello everyone! - old_jon - 2014-10-16

Hello Veng! Welcome to Surreal! smile

I'm one of the resident mods in the clan (not that it's any big deal or anything) and I did some calculations that went a little like this:

Spots your age, it's 18.
Seen the year you started, it's 2007
*Tries desperately to work out the mathematics in my head (2014, take away 2007, add a 1 to the 4, add a 1 to the ... to the.. dammit where's my calculator...)*
*grabs calculator*
Hey! You were 11 when you started! Naughty naughty!!

I jokes of course... just being silly.

As I say, welcome, and I hope you have a lot of fun with us. Grin

RE: Hello everyone! - Kreuzi - 2014-10-18

Tss, tss Jon! Please don't report me to Jagex, I want to stay the other not a big deal. On a sidenote, if we speak german in chat we can organise perfect cookie robberies without anyone else knowing!