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+---- Thread: (/thread-8130.html) - Giedrius - 2014-10-31

Lol seriously guys ... this woah .. all for clan application ? .....Shok
Runescape Name: Gol D Kubera *used to be wet pantsu but got removed cause i was reported by massive amount of people for offensive name Shok

Age: 20
Country: Lithuania *Born in Russia moving out to Italy later whit my brother
Describe yourself in one word: King2 <.< of Lolicons !

What made you start playing runescape: Started in 2005-2006, Hmm.. Hard Question Indeed Umnik2

Lets zee To_keep_order
Well .. i guess it was just my first game ever played *ONLINE* whit other people
i played many games in my 10 years as Gamer ***MANY***
but ..
even after building my self a gaming pc whit amd sapphire 290 tri-x
i5 4670k 8gb ram
and trying all games on ultra settings ..
i realized i don't give a damn about graphics Sad
i had many journeys trought the world of Narnia but i took an arrow to the knee to its time to retire back to oldscape >.<
will probably play this game again for years until new gen game comes out that can catch my attention until then ..
i might just try to aim for a Completionist cape within 1 year Paladin

Favorite Movie: Mhm didn't watch Movies for over 10 years but favorite anime One piece Forever smile
Occupation: Freeloader Umnik2 (at least for the next few months)
Other language(s): Lithuanian,Russian,English,Japanese Umnik2
Hobbies/talents: Hmm my talent would be doing boring things 24/7 on autopilot mode whit brain full AFKGrin
and hobbies ?guess reading manga would be appropriate to call a hobby >..<

RE: - Jos - 2014-10-31

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: - Ava - 2014-10-31

You sound like fun smile Welcome to Surreal!!!

RE: - Nevyn - 2014-11-01

Howdy howdy, step right up, enjoy the show and your stay smile

RE: - Downfall - 2014-11-01

You seem like a lot of fun! HAHA! Welcome Tongue

RE: - Jerome - 2014-11-01

Hi! One Piece is awesome.Santa
Enjoy your stayGrin