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Thank you for providing a template - Followbane - 2010-12-30

I never know how to introduce myself if there isn't one.

Runescape Name: Followbane
Real-life name/nickname: Curtis is my name. I have many nicknames, but none of them belong here.
Age: Seventeen.
Country: United States.
Describe yourself in one word: Odd.

What got you started playing Runescape?: I was at my friend's house, and he showed it to me. That night, I started an account, and I was instantly hooked.
Favorite Movie: I'm not really a movie person, and I can't pick favorites.
Occupation: Birthdays and Christmas.
Other language(s): None. I can speak tiny bits of Spanish ('cause I used to go to a Mexican school) and Japanese ('cause I went through one of those weeaboo phases when I was fifteen).
Hobbies/talents: Playing video games, listening to music, typical things.

And now, I'm here to answer any questions you might have.

RE: Thank you for providing a template - Danny - 2010-12-30

Hello Curtis
Welcome to the Surreal Forums, I hope you enjoy your time here.

RE: Thank you for providing a template - Jos - 2010-12-30

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Thank you for providing a template - Rawries - 2010-12-30

Hey Curtis, welcome to Surreal :]

RE: Thank you for providing a template - Downfall - 2010-12-31

Welcome to Surreal, Curtis. Have an awesome stay and let me know if I can help at all.

RE: Thank you for providing a template - Meg - 2010-12-31

Hi there Curtis and welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Thank you for providing a template - Bug - 2010-12-31

Welcome to Surreal!