Qugr Here!
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Runescape Name: Qugr
Real-life name/nickname: Edgar / Qugr
Age: 16, almost 17
Country: Latvia
Describe yourself in one word: Honor

What got you started playing Runescape?: Miself, before 10 years, i saw the game, but didnt play it. (before party hat drop), Then I re-found the game again, in 2004, and started to play a bit.. Had alot acconts but got this one, im going to keep forever.
Favorite Movie: Its a serial.. Mythbusters
Occupation: Single
Other language(s): Latvia, German..
Hobbies/talents: I play BassGuitar, and i have finished music school. I love programming. Playing games is my most loved hobby. I have done it for more than half of my life! Paladin
Hi there Edgar and welcome to Surreal Biggrin
Hey, welcome to Surreal :]
[Image: rawries.png]
(2011-09-15 08:01:49)Meg Wrote:  dw guys, one day my true intelligence will shine for the world to see and I will bask in full glory of the beautiful smart woman I truly am....until i wake up Biggrin

[Image: bkhaO.png]
welcome to the forums =]
Welcome to surreal Wink
Join the cc, irc, vent and post something Wink
Act like your at home Biggrin
[Image: unled1bqq.png]
Welcome, enjoy your time here.
Welcome to surreal bro.
[Image: Rarely_Lucky.png]

[Image: Rarely_Lucky.png]

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Welcome to Surreal Edgar. Enjoy your stay! smile
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Welcome to Surreal. :]

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