[Guide] Dungeoneering acronyms


Gt - group gatestone/group gatestone teleport (although some might still use Ggs for this, Gt is the one You should be using)
Pgt - personal gatestone/personal gatestone teleport
Ht - home teleport (teleports You to base)
Gate - means You have to drop your personal gatestone to mark a key door or a puzzle room You can´t do Yourself. For example "-name- gate emotes" means -name- has to drop his/hers personal gatestone in emotes room.
Also G8 can be used sometimes.
Gd - guardian door
Gtgd - group gatestone teleport and kill all the mobs in the room with guardian door
Mgt - move the group gatestone. Shouldn´t be used just alone, then no one knows who should do it. The correct way to use this is "Mgt -name-", so -name- knows he/she has to move the group gatestone to his/hers path. Also Take or Tek can be used for this.
Hgt[puzzle, key name, player name, boss] - means that player who has some puzzle, key door or boss gated takes the group gatestone and holds it untill her/his path runs to a dead end or host tells him/her to mgt. When host tells to mgt, he/she has to mgt to what he/she was holding it for. For example host says "-name- hgt emotes" and when host says "mgt emotes" or "mgt" that player who was holding has to move the gatestone.
Cgt - carry gatestone. Sometimes host drops the gatestone in a gd for example and teleports to his personal gatestone and says "Cgt east" meaning when gd is cleared, someone should take the gatestone and go east with it.
[e, w, s, n] - east, west, south, north. Also "n" can be used to answer no.
Wyg - whats your gates. Means what you have used your personal gatestones for or if You have free gatestones.
Fg - free gatestone. Used to say You have a free personal gatestone. If someone asks You can answer 2fg(two free gatestones) 1fg -puzzle, key door- (one free gatestone and -puzzle, key door-)
Nfg - no free gatestone. You have gated something with both of Your personal gatestones.
Gtb - group teleport for boss
Gte - group teleport to end
Mgte/Mgtb - move group gatestone to end/move group gatestone to boss.
Gtl - group teleport to levers room.
Bgt - buying group gatestone. If You were carrying group gatestone and You are not a host, drop the group gatestone.
Sgt - if group gatestone isn´t needed where it is anymore. When You need help and/or are on a big path then You should mgt.
Fork - room that opens to 3 different ways. When host calls fork and You have a free gate then You should gate Your path and group teleport to help.
De - dead end.
Denk - dead end no key.
Dewk - dead end with a key.
Gto[skill door;key door; player name] - group teleport and open a skill door or a key door that was called or that person has to group teleport and open a door whos name was called.
[/color]Ent - enter. A door that can be opened instantly (not a puzzle room or a gd).
[/color]Bon - bonus path.
Crit - critical path.

Key colors

C - crimson
S - silver
Gr - green
Go - golden
B - blue
O - orange
Y - yellow
P - purple

Key shapes

Cr - crescent
Co - corner
P - pentagon
S - shield
R - rectangle
D - diamond
T - triangle
W - wedge

Key combination

Oco - orange corner
Ss - silver shield
Pt - purple triangle
And so on...


Ssb - sagittarian shortbow
Hex - hexhunter bow
Ssh - shadow silk hood
Ccs - celestial catalytic staff
Bn - blood necklace

Room types

Cfs - color ferrets puzzle room
Hf - hunter ferret puzzle
Ff - fishing ferret puzzle
10s - puzzle room with 10 statues
3s - puzzle room with 3 statues
Vines/plants - puzzle room where you have to cut the colours when they are matching the big flower in the center
Emo - emotes puzzle room
Levers/lev - levers puzzle room
Maze - maze puzzle room
Riddle - puzzle room with hoardstalker who asks a riddle
Goats - guardian door with ghosts where You can only kill one ghost at a time
Mono - monolith puzzle room
Merc - mercanery leader room
Ramo - room with ramokees inside
Tiles - runecrafting tiles puzzle
Robot - puzzle room where you have to construct the golems missing piece and charge it to take down walls
Pond - puzzle room with pondskaters
Alot of shit to memorize but amazing guide! I gonna learn how to dungeon effectively though to get that 99 with group or something sometime.
Sometimes people shout MGT. Do they want me, or someone else to move the GT to some appropiate place then? I find it hard to decide when I'm on the most important path at that moment.
There are so many :|
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
(2015-02-05 01:54:50)Downfall Wrote:  There are so many :|


But thank you for the guide smile I'll know where to look if I DG again. Wub
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
g & a p m p r o f i l e
s t a t s (Click to View)
(2015-02-04 21:39:27)Velits Wrote:  Sometimes people shout MGT. Do they want me, or someone else to move the GT to some appropiate place then? I find it hard to decide when I'm on the most important path at that moment.

If you are on the biggest path and someone says mgt you should definetly move it. smile

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