Here's another one, everybody! This is by NO means exhaustive, but some of the methods I found intriguing with my research. They won't work for everyone, but I wanted to share what I learned.
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
Good stuff. I didn't know you could make that much tanning leather.
good lord, is that legit? the tanning leather? :o I'd never ever have thought of that lol great article, once again! <3
*facepalm* Araxxi. Yeah, that's an obvious one. Silly me! Fortunately I wasn't making an exhaustive list. Frankly, I could have written the ENTIRE article on just bossing/slaying, but I wanted to get other methods to please all play styles in there, too.
You could almost make a complete article series out of just money making through bossing.
I plan to take my own advice and do some leather tanning here eventually. I have the money for the startup costs. Not sure what gear I'm going to save up for, though...
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.