Hello there :D
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Runescape Name: Dragon sl501

Real-life name/nickname: Josh (Joshua is full name)

Age: 19

Country: England

Describe yourself in one word: adventerous (sorry if thats miss spelt)

What got you started playing Runescape?:my cousins started playing years ago, and i thought would give it a shot and really got into it,

Favorite Movie: either a-team or expendables

Occupation: Current occupation im a lifeguard , but im currently trying to train up to join the royal marines commando's

Other language(s): none im affraid =[

Hobbies/talents: the gym is a big hobbie and im a good swimmer, play runescape, and ejoy socilising with people in game out the game =]

hope this is good enough if would like to know any more , feel free to add me in game and chat always welcome.
Hey Josh, welcome to Surreal smile
[Image: rawries.png]
Ey there Josh! My best friend irl is just like you, gym gym gym Tongue Very cool job you got, too Tongue Much respected down in Australia.

Enjoy your stay at Surreal and make yourself right at home smile
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Welcome to Surreal Josh. I hope you enjoy your stay. (:
Feel free to contact me in game if you have any questions or need any help. (:
Hoi Biggrin
[Image: Pokemon_logo___Umbreon_by_PrinzeBur.gif]
Ello Josh (:

Marines, eh?

Welcome, Hope to see you in CC! smile
[Image: unled1bqq.png]
Hello good sir
[Image: zephyr.png][Image: L_Zephyr_l.png]
[Image: R4vciL12942791852-9.gif]
W00t Hi Josh! Welcome to Surreal, I look forward to meeting you in-game. No other languages you say? Which one would you like me to teach you? Tongue
lifeguards are pretty well respected here in Aus - kudos to you! does it even get hot enough to attend the beach over in England though? :p

Welcome to Surreal Josh Biggrin

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