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Runescape Name: funny puppy
Real-life name/nickname: Marijana
Age: 28 (2 month more Tongue)
Country: Slovenia
Describe yourself in one word: its hard describe themself, i let ppl figure out, but untill now all say am very nice person

What got you started playing Runescape?: like playing games and 9 years, or will be almost 10 now, i look for games on net and find rsc, so i start play it
Favorite Movie: none favorite, can say am movies fun, like all
Occupation: head office manager for now
Other language(s): slovenia, croatia, and i dont get lost in germany
Hobbies/talents: movies, rs, not much time for others
speaking to you in cc, nice to meet you Marijana and welcome to Surreal Biggrin
Welcome to Surreal, Marijana.

I'm guessing English is not your first language? Pretty impressive being able to speak 4 languages in total though! You've got some really awesome stats on RuneScape too.

Enjoy your time here. smile
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Welcome to our boards. smile
Your name reminds me of something....

I am probably too stoned to remember what it is. Wink
Its a pleasure to meet you, welcome to Surreal Biggrin

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