2013-03-19 07:19:25
My RuneScape name is Glaco.
About a week or so after the release of The Ritual of the Majharrat, I camped Glacors for several weeks in order to get some of the new found boots. I was no-lifing them so hard that even when family came over, I kept killing them. My 4 year old Niece would sit on my lap and watch me kill "Glaco's" because she couldn't pronounce her "R" sounds correctly at 4. I thought it was the cutest thing, so I decided to name my character that for awhile and see how it rang. All of my friends loved the name as much as I did, so I decided to stick with it, now all my friends call me Glaco and my closer friends call me Nick.
About a week or so after the release of The Ritual of the Majharrat, I camped Glacors for several weeks in order to get some of the new found boots. I was no-lifing them so hard that even when family came over, I kept killing them. My 4 year old Niece would sit on my lap and watch me kill "Glaco's" because she couldn't pronounce her "R" sounds correctly at 4. I thought it was the cutest thing, so I decided to name my character that for awhile and see how it rang. All of my friends loved the name as much as I did, so I decided to stick with it, now all my friends call me Glaco and my closer friends call me Nick.