How y'all doinnnn?
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I didnt know where to post this, since it's just a drop in hello haha. I guess Jordan or whoever can move it if it goes somewhere else haha


Long time no see for some of you smile I miss you guys sooooo much! I started a second job since my inactivity, so I work 2 jobs. Im still in college, couple semesters left, thank god. Since the slight mishap divorce, my bf and I are remaining engaged. We just can't be married due to international reasons atm between Canada and US since we both go to schools in eachothers own countries. Basically If we were married, they won't let me cross into Canada "just to visit" since Im married, Id have to have a marriage visa. Sucks I know. I hate the rules... L

I play 07scape in my spare time, skilling like always ofcourse haha, still rather low levels but Im working on em. EoC just does not phase me much nemore, it's gotten so bad. I hate that Surreal won't branch into 07 Sad But ah well, whatcha gonna do, right. HAHA

Neways hope everyone is doing fantasic and to all the new members, Hello and hope to meet some of you soon.

Keep up the great work guys! and grats to Wader on leader, good job buddy!

<3 Heather

ni-night time for me, work in 7 hrs haha
[Image: sylvanas_wow_sig_by_katzenfan-d54n86z.png]

Messages In This Thread
How y'all doinnnn? - by Heather - 2013-06-06 04:02:35
RE: How y'all doinnnn? - by Killians - 2013-06-06 04:09:45
RE: How y'all doinnnn? - by old_jon - 2013-06-06 04:44:41
RE: How y'all doinnnn? - by Dreggstar - 2013-06-06 19:35:43
RE: How y'all doinnnn? - by Evaluate - 2013-06-07 00:23:07
RE: How y'all doinnnn? - by Wader - 2013-06-07 20:13:39
RE: How y'all doinnnn? - by Heather - 2013-06-12 04:02:22

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