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Runescape Name: Kizd
Real-life name/nickname: Jared
Age: 17
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Can't!

What made you start playing Runescape: During my 5th year of elementary schooling, my school began a reading competition based around earning dog-tags for books read. I became obsessed; I was in the running for the top competitor in the school. My two best friends had been trying to get me to try Runescape for a while, but it wasn't until they lied to me, telling me that the priests would give me dog tags that I finally decided to play.
Favorite Movie: Pacific Rim
Occupation: Exterior airplane washer and West Marine cashier
Other language(s): HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, Javascript, C++, etc.
Hobbies/talents: Currently, I go to school for Computer Science. I've been self-learning graphic design for almost 10 years, and have taken classes on 3D modeling and animation for several years. I aspire to be an entrepreneur graphic designer, web-designer, or indie game developer.

So, who am I really? My name is Jared C; I'm in a unique situation in life where, although I'm 17 and still a senior in highschool, I live with my girlfriend in our home. That's right, paying rent, buying gas, buying food and toiletries, and even doing our own laundry. Some non-computer related interests of mine are fashion and martial arts. Earlier this year, I earned a black belt rank in Shaolin Kempo after nearly a decade of training. I'm a vegetarian but I don't know if I really want to be anymore. I love to roleplay and play games with friends. Some of our favorite games to play together are League of Legends (of course...), Civilization 5, and Magic: The Gathering. We also have an on-going Roleplay taking place in the Dragon Age universe. We meetup roughly once a week for the last year or so to RP, and we plan to continue this story for roughly 2 more years.

Now, to outweigh all of the boasting I did in the previous paragraph, I'm going to comprise a list of five of my greatest weaknesses:
  • Sometimes I can't stop eating bad food for a week before getting back on track.
  • I get bored easy.
  • I have an irresponsible sleep schedule.
  • I sometimes don't finish games, websites, or programs I start.
  • I spend money really quickly.

That's a lot about me. Hopefully you enjoyed my introduction enough to not move on before getting to this point. Thanks for reading!

Messages In This Thread
Hello! - by Kizd - 2013-08-13 19:42:11
RE: Hello! - by Ava - 2013-08-13 19:43:47
RE: Hello! - by Joseph - 2013-08-13 19:46:29
RE: Hello! - by Bowlinmaster - 2013-08-13 19:49:26
RE: Hello! - by Kizd - 2013-08-13 22:33:26
RE: Hello! - by Killians - 2013-08-13 20:08:05
RE: Hello! - by Wader - 2013-08-13 21:38:52
RE: Hello! - by Liz - 2013-08-13 23:04:09
RE: Hello! - by Tay - 2013-08-14 01:48:07
RE: Hello! - by Michael - 2013-08-14 03:15:04
RE: Hello! - by old_jon - 2013-08-14 04:27:55
RE: Hello! - by Evaluate - 2013-08-14 18:09:36
RE: Hello! - by Witch - 2013-08-16 22:11:18

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