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Runescape Name: Ramen Bomb
Real-life name/nickname: Rickey
Age: 18
Country: USA (california)
Describe yourself in one word: Awesome

What got you started playing Runescape?: Kids at my apartments computer room way back in 2002

Favorite Movie: Supertroopers
Occupation: Retail
Other language(s):
Hobbies/talents: I don't really do much except stay home and smoke weed with my girlfriend (hooray for medical marijuanna being legal Biggrin) and occasionally go out to the mall and buy clothes and whatnot. I like to ice skate, but just recently started doing it, and I learned pretty fast.

I like sports, my favorite sport would have to be baseball (SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS Biggrin) Football is cool too, Raiders son.

Currently trying to get my HS diploma (woohoo for 5th year seniors)

I'm lazy as hell

I like most music, but my favorite genre would have to be punk, with Enemy You being my favorite band.

I live in San Jose California (I doubt anybody here outside of california has heard of us, but we're the 10th biggest city in America, we invented the internet, and we're the most overlooked city ever. seriously i haven't met anybody outside of california that has heard of us)

I'm too proud of being from Northern California like everyone else here

I wanna eventually be a standup comedian (I have hilarious material in my head, I just never get around to writing it down into a full joke)

Or if that doesn't work out, get into the marijuana growing business (huge here)

Before anybody asks, I'm not Asian. I'm mostly Mexican and Guamanian.

That's all, feel free to add my facebook if you want, it's down in my signature. Just don't talk about runescape lol.

Messages In This Thread
herro - by Rickey - 2011-01-30 06:58:23
RE: herro - by Frosty - 2011-01-30 07:24:16
RE: herro - by Meg - 2011-01-30 07:37:20
RE: herro - by Tay - 2011-01-30 08:03:53
RE: herro - by Pitufo - 2011-01-30 08:28:03
RE: herro - by Grish - 2011-01-30 10:15:00
RE: herro - by Jos - 2011-01-30 11:49:02
RE: herro - by Jason - 2011-01-30 12:13:16
RE: herro - by Nicholas - 2011-01-30 16:51:33
RE: herro - by rachyrockstar - 2011-01-30 17:05:43
RE: herro - by Jakey - 2011-01-30 17:06:17
RE: herro - by Downfall - 2011-01-31 15:36:16

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