Hallo Freunde!
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Runescape Name: RobertR
Real-life name/nickname: Robert Tongue
Age: 17
Country: America
Describe yourself in one word: Zealous

What got you started playing Runescape?: Had plenty of extra time on my hands, then came here. Wink
Favorite Movie: The Elephant Man
Occupation: Administrative Aide, and Webmaster
Other language(s): English, and German!
Hobbies/talents: I guess you could account for my really über fantastic memory as a talent? Yahoo

Messages In This Thread
Hallo Freunde! - by Tiruvalye - 2011-02-20 21:26:46
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Downfall - 2011-02-20 21:30:37
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Crow - 2011-02-20 21:35:30
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Tiruvalye - 2011-02-20 21:47:39
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Meg - 2011-02-20 22:03:00
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Rawries - 2011-02-20 22:12:24
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Tiruvalye - 2011-02-20 23:17:09
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Quaran - 2011-02-21 01:49:07
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Meep - 2011-02-21 02:26:56
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by rachyrockstar - 2011-02-21 03:41:28
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Grish - 2011-02-21 08:45:20
RE: Hallo Freunde! - by Jos - 2011-02-21 15:54:42

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