2017-01-28 23:54:21
(This post was last modified: 2017-01-28 23:59:23 by ChangingLane.
Edit Reason: the :D of "dutch" made a smiley
Runescape Name: Socomhunterr
Real-life name/nickname: Yoeri, Smurf, idiot, weirdo
Age: 21
Country: Belgium
Describe yourself in one word: Guthix
<video controls="controls">
<source src="http://i.makeagif.com/media/1-28-2017/TSy3HT.mp4" type="video/mp4">
What made you start playing runescape:
Favorite Movie: Anything from Jackie chan
Occupation: student
Other language(s)utch (native) , English (very good), (french (basics), german (basic)
Hobbies/talents: i got a degree as pc technician and do it now as a hobby so guess that counts.. also cuddling my bed is one of my hobbies
Real-life name/nickname: Yoeri, Smurf, idiot, weirdo
Age: 21
Country: Belgium
Describe yourself in one word: Guthix
<video controls="controls">
<source src="http://i.makeagif.com/media/1-28-2017/TSy3HT.mp4" type="video/mp4">
What made you start playing runescape:
Favorite Movie: Anything from Jackie chan
Occupation: student
Other language(s)utch (native) , English (very good), (french (basics), german (basic)
Hobbies/talents: i got a degree as pc technician and do it now as a hobby so guess that counts.. also cuddling my bed is one of my hobbies