[Accepted] Hubris App V2

RuneScape Name: Plebris
Total level: 1251
Combat level: 62

Location or Timezone: EST
Event availability: Please provide us with a general idea of what time(s) during the week you would be able to make it to events.

     Weekdays: 5pm - 8pm
     Weekends: 10am - 8pm

What kinds of events would you be interested in attending (e.g. Skilling, Minigames, PVM, others)?: 
Skilliing on this account (it's my alt), but PvM on my main, if that's cool. If not, prob just skilling on this account then.

Have you been referred here? If so, by whom? 
Uhh, me? Previously was in this clan and my acc name was itsHubris

How can you contribute to our clan?:
Will cap every week and can contribute to conversations on both my alt and Main as I will be guesting on main

Name other clans you have involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:
On my main account, Hubris, I am a member of the clan Special.



By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules and do my best to maintain activity. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.

Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No]  Yes!

Other comments: 
I know the last time I was in the clan I left because I felt conflicted being in different clans on my alt and main, but I feel better about it now. Besides I miss you guys Biggrin

Messages In This Thread
Hubris App V2 - by Plebris - 2017-11-04 23:41:22
Hubris App V2 - by Lady Spyra - 2017-11-04 23:44:28

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