2018-03-06 07:39:37
Can i get a little information about you before i come up with a name?
Personally my names are always something to do eith things i enjoy so a few questions.
What are your hobbies?
Whats your favorite sports team?
Whats your favorite tv show?
Who is your favorite superhero?
Do you watch anime? Which is your favorite?
What is your favorite thing about runescape?
I take a lot of care in to my names each time i think will this name impress me now and for a long time? If your like me answer a few of these and i might ne able to help you.
Personally my names are always something to do eith things i enjoy so a few questions.
What are your hobbies?
Whats your favorite sports team?
Whats your favorite tv show?
Who is your favorite superhero?
Do you watch anime? Which is your favorite?
What is your favorite thing about runescape?
I take a lot of care in to my names each time i think will this name impress me now and for a long time? If your like me answer a few of these and i might ne able to help you.