[Guide] Best Auras Article [Link]

(2018-09-21 12:40:25)JeliBelski Wrote:  
(2018-09-21 07:59:25)Kniight Lost Wrote:  Nice article but, not trying to be that guy, I do not agree with vampyrism being most useful aura. It really depends what you do.

For high lvl bossing, berserker, maniacal and reckless are the best and nothing comes even closer. Much of the harder bosses are practically undoable without them. Those would be probably the first aura recommended to get by near everyone.

I'd say tied in 2nd would be Penance and Dark Magic.

Then I'd say In 3rd would be Joat.

Instead of reverance I'd say to put Salvation, corruption and harmony. Those are used to heal prayer while doing vyres which is a widely used method to train combat

After those I'd say accuracy auras

You could also put somewhere the farming aura for some extra herbs

And probably after all of those I'd say vampyrism. You say to use it with slayer. Most tasks done the "normal" way (killing 1-3 monsters at same time) can be done with only SS. If you want to throw some cannon and aggro pots you can do some tasks with also only ss but some of the harder tasks you'd be using a vamp scrimshaw and maybe even some defensive abilities for regenerating health. This aura is good for low lvls but you could use those points on something else on low lvls like Joat aura.

You did your research but I feel that it was lacking. I'm not trying to be the bad guy here. the article was good, but not great.

Maybe with the announcement regarding auras on runefest they will make it easier to get them on new accounts and then you can get the ones you want without being locked out of some content because of a poorly designed content by jagex.

Those are some good points. The 'ranking' really isn't the main point of the article as much as which ones are good go-to's. That said, I put Vampyrism where I did not necessarily because it's the absolute strongest aura (I can see why others would be considered more strongly or deadly, etc). I put it there because it's one of the best all-purpose combat auras. It appeals a wide variety of players because it is simple yet extremely useful. Some of the other auras that are more bossing or elite-combat oriented might not appeal to as many players. As you mentioned, "it really depends what you do." 

Salvation is also an excellent aura, and I really debated about putting it in. But the list can only be so long! smile

Thanks for the feedback. Please keep it coming!

Auras are a really important topic on runescape and one completely neglected by jagex. I really hope we will get some long term plan from runefest as they said they are discussing it. If you don't plan on doing some bossing early on and spend some loyalty points on some skilling auras then you need to wait or do a content really handicapped if you start doing it.

Messages In This Thread
Best Auras Article [Link] - by JeliBelski - 2018-09-20 02:11:47
RE: Best Proteans Article [Link] - by Lady Spyra - 2018-09-20 02:20:35
RE: Best Proteans Article [Link] - by dunder - 2018-09-20 02:55:33
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by Meg - 2018-09-20 05:19:53
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by moystieoystie - 2018-09-21 04:27:42
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by Mini Kniight - 2018-09-21 07:59:25
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by JeliBelski - 2018-09-21 12:40:25
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by Mini Kniight - 2018-09-21 15:33:10
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by Downfall - 2018-09-21 11:30:13
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by JeliBelski - 2018-09-21 16:06:26
RE: Best Auras Article [Link] - by Kermen - 2018-09-22 03:54:32

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