2019-02-01 00:03:52
I appreciate the feedback, Nicholas!
The only thing I think we're not going to agree on is the slayer tasks :p why? because I don't know enough about slayer to make a sensible remark. The guide for slayer as I've written it right now is as the Achievement Help discord channel has set it up which has countless of contributors. I will not question their vailidity unless I think I know better myself, which in this case, I don't. I'll add the link to give people another option though.
The only thing I think we're not going to agree on is the slayer tasks :p why? because I don't know enough about slayer to make a sensible remark. The guide for slayer as I've written it right now is as the Achievement Help discord channel has set it up which has countless of contributors. I will not question their vailidity unless I think I know better myself, which in this case, I don't. I'll add the link to give people another option though.