[Guide] Archaeology Guide

Archaeology has many Mysteries to discover and research - I will be covering how to uncover and complete said Mysteries and Research Projects in this post! Enjoy!

 General Research (Those not directly related to a Digsite) (Secrets of the Monolith and Writings on the Wall are also Mysteries): 

Mysterious Monolith (Existence):  Reach the Assistant Qualification Rank at the Arachaeology Guild.
 ---(Requires: 40 Archaeology) (Rewards: 2k Archaeology Experience and 100 Additional Monolith Energy)

Mysterious Monolith (Architecture): Reach the Associate Qualification Rank at the Archaeology Guild.
 ---(Requires: 70 Archaeology) (Rewards: 5k Archaeology Experience and 150 Additional Monolith Energy)

Mysterious Monolith (Symbology): Reach the Professor Qualification Rank at the Archaeology Guild.
 ---(Requires: 90 Archaeology) (Rewards: 11,666 Archaeology Experience, 100 Additional Monolith Energy )

Philosophy: Reach the Guildmaster Qualification Rank at the Archaeology Guild and purchase the energised meteorite shard for 250k chronotes.
 ---(Requires: 99 Archaeology) (Rewards: Ability to make the Mattock of Time and Space)

Writings on the Wall (Kharid Et): Find the writing on the wall in Kharid-Et to unlock a new Research Adventure (Send your team out to study it)(Once your team returns with the study results search the writing again to complete the Achievement).
 ---(Requires: 99 Archaeology; Guildmaster Rank; Full Master Archaeologist Outfit) (Rewards: 18,750 Archaeology Experience)

Writings on the Wall (Infernal Source): Find the writing on the wall in Infernal Source; Research it; Return and study it again.
 ---(Requires: 99 Archaeology; Guildmaster Rank; Full Master Archaeologist Outfit) (Rewards: 18,750 Archaeology Experience)

Writings on the Wall (Everlight): Find the writing on Everlight; Research; Return.
 ---(Requires: 99 Archaeology; Guildmaster Rank; Full Master Archaeologist Outfit) (Rewards: 18,750 Archaeology Experience)

 Writings on the Wall (Stormguard): Find the writing on Stormguard; Research; Return.
 ---(Requires: 99 Archaeology; Guildmaster Rank; Full Master Archaeologist Outfit) (Rewards: 18,750 Archaeology Experience)

 Writings on the Wall (Warforge): Find the writing on Warforge; Research; Return.
 ---(Requires: 99 Archaeology; Guildmaster Rank; Full Master Archaeologist Outfit) (Rewards: 18,750 Archaeology Experience; an additional 35,000 Archaeology Experience for completing the Mystery)

Zarosian Research (Kharid-Et):
It should be noted you can't actually start Researching until you are an Assistant Archaeologist (Requiring 40+ Archaeology)

Demon Door: Study the Outer wall Debris (Just South-East after entering the Kharid-Et Building).
 ---(Requires: 12 Archaeology and Accessed the Kharid-Et building)(Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology Experience; A Legionary Gladius (Damaged) and 10 Pylon Batteries).

Proving Grounds: Study the Doorway of the North-West building in the Barracks.
 ---(Requires: 17 Archaeology)(Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology Experience; Zarosian Training Dummy (Damaged)).

Cell, a Door: Study one of the Cell Doors in the Prison Block.
 ---(Requires: 47 Archaeology)(Rewards: 2,033 Archaeology Experience; Legatus Pendant (Damaged)).

Lockdown: Study the Central Vault (Found during the Vault of Shadows Mystery).
 ---(Requires: 58 Archaeology)(Rewards: 3,111 Archaeology Experience; Pontifex Signet Ring (Damaged)).

Requiescat in Pace: Study the Stained Glass Window (Requires a Pontifez Signet Ring to access).
 ---(Requires: 86 Archaeology)(Rewards: 13,333 Archaeology Experience; Necromantic Focus (Damaged)).

Where there's Smoke: Study the Fireplace in the Kitchen.
 ---(Requires: 100 Archaeology)(Rewards: 26,666 Archaeology Experience; Smoke Cloud Spell Scroll (Damaged)).

Shadow Play: Study the War Table (Accessed during 100% Pylon Activation - Interact with the Praetorium War Table to access) (Requires Ring of Visibility or Sliske's Gift).
 ---(Requires: 107 Archaeology)(Rewards: 38,571 Archaeology Experience; Animate Dead Spell Scroll (Damaged)).

 Kharid-Et Mysteries:

Breaking the Seal: Speak to Dr Nabanik; Excavate Fort Debris to Reveal a Triangle Shaped Opening; Speak to Dr Nabanik again and receive a Centurion's Seal (Damaged); Repair it at an Archaeology Workbench (6 Third Age Iron and 2 Zarosian Insignia Required); Use on the Entrance Barrier and it will open).
 ---(Requires: 12 Archaeology)(Rewards: 900 Archaeology Experience; Access to the Main Fort).

Prison Break:  Gather the first 2 Journal entries of the Custodian's Log (from excavation sites within the Fort); Speak to Liam (by the prison doors) and he will give you a Kharid-Et Prison Dial; Use it on the Broken Dial (on the wall next to doors); Enter the door code in the following order: Shadow, Blood, Smoke, Ice; Gather the remaining 2 Pages to complete the Mystery.
---(Requires 12+ Archaeology)(Rewards: 900 Archaeology Experience; Access to the Prison Section of the Fort).

Time Served: Excavate Praesidio Remains in the Prison Section for an Ancient Timepiece (Damaged); Restore the Artifact at a Archaeology Workbench; Use the Timepiece on the Cell controller located in the North Section of the Prison Section to unlock the next door.
---(Requires: 47 Archaeology; Prison Break Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 2,800 Archaeology Experience; Partial Access to the Vault Section).

The Cult of Orcus: Gain Access to the area using a Pontifex Signet Ring; Find all 3 Pater's Log Pages; Talk to Dr. Nabanik to complete the Mystery.
---(Requires: 74 Archaeology; Prison Break Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 11,000 Archaeology Experience).

Decimation: Find all 6 Commander's Log Pages; Turn in to Dr. Nabanik to complete the Mystery.
---(Requires: 107 Archaeology)(Rewards: 54,000 Archaeology Experience )

The Forgotten Prisoner: You will need: Pontifex Signet Ring, Legatus Pendant; With these two things equipped bypass the maximum security prison barrier; Interact with the strange device which will require to know it's identity; Answers: Xil'Gar Trog, Demon Soul, Prison, Committed Treason; Form a contract with the Demon (He will request you bring him a Portable Phylactery to transfer his soul into; Give it to Dr. Nabanik to complete the Mystery.
---(Requires: 107 Archaeology; Prison Break Mystery Completed; Time Served Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 54,000 Archaeology Experience )

Shadow Fall:  Find the 5 Praetorian Log Pages; Return to Dr. Nabanik to complete the Mystery.
---(Requires: 107 Archaeology; Prison Break Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 54,000 Archaeology Experience )

The Vault of Shadows: Puzzle 1 (Requires 58 Archaeology and an Incite Fear Spell Scroll); Enter Eastern door of the Prison Block; 

First Puzzle- Read incite fear scoll standing by the dial on Western wall (just outside southern most room); Press the Ice button to teleport to the first puzzle; Pick up Praetor's Log Page 1 and read; Flip tiles to solve puzzle (these are the exact steps to follow) (move camera to face north) (When the puzzle is complete search the vault to find the second journal page).

  • North-West tile 1 forward 
  • East 1 forward, 
  • N/E 1 time backward
  • S/W 1 time backward
  • South 2 times forward
  • S/E 2 times forward
  • Center 1 time forward
  • North 1 time backward
  • South 1 time backward
  • West 1 time forward
  • North west 1 time forward

Second Puzzle - Use Exsanguinate Spell Scroll on the dial on the northern wall in the chapel (opens southern door to vault) (Face camera north for puzzle)
  • S/W 1 time backward
  • Center 1 time forward
  • N/W 2 times forward
  • S/W 1 time backward
  • Center 2 times backward
  • N/E 1 time forward
  • S/E 1 time forward
  • Center 1 time backward
  • N/E 2 times backward
  • Center 2 times backward
  • N/E 1 time backward
  • Center 1 time backward
  • S/W 1 time backward
  • S/E 1 time backward
  • Center 1 time forward
  • S/E 1 time forward
  • Center 1 time forward
  • S/E 1 time forward
  • S/W 1 time forward
  • Center 1 time forward
  • S/W 1 time backward
  • Center 2 times forward
Third Puzzlepuzzle picture  (Use smoke cloud spell scroll on the dial on western wall next to the oven)(click buttons in this order - please see picture linked to help)
  • 7,8,1,1,3
  • 4,4,4,8,7
  • 8,8,1,1,8
  • 8,8,1,1,3
  • 3,8,3,3,2
  • 4,7,7,7,8
  • 4,8,8,8,2
  • 2,2,4,4,4
  • 8,8,8,4,4,4
Fourth Puzzle- Puzzle Picture (Use Animate dead spell scroll on the dial in the War Room)(Puzzle solution is as follows)
  • 3rd button 2 times
  • 1st button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 3rd button 2 times (clockwise)
  • 1st button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 5th button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 2nd button 2 times
  • 4th button 1 time
  • 1st button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 3rd button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 1st button 1 time
  • 5th button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 3rd button 2 times
  • 5th button 1 time
  • 2nd button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 3rd button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 2nd button 1 time (counter clockwise)
  • 3rd button 2 times
  • 4th button 2 times
  • 3rd button 2 times
Finishing the Mystery: Speak with Dr. Nabanik to receive a Shadow Engram; Train Divination to fill it; Operate Engram to get a memory; Bring the memory to Dr. Nabanik to get a book; Bring the book back to the vault; After the cutscene return to the vault and talk to Trindine; Mystery complete!
---(Requires: 107 Archaeology and Time Served Mystery Complete)(Rewards: 2,500 Archaeology Experience (First Puzzle), 5,000 Archaeology Experience (Second Puzzle); 7,500 Archaeology Experience (Third Puzzle); 10,000 Archaeology Experience (Fourth Puzzle); 25,000 Divination Experience; 30,000 Archaeology Experience ).

 Infernal Source Research:

Abandon All Hope: Study the Large Door by where you spawn in (Vestibule of Futility).
(Requires: 29 Archaeology)(Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology Experience, Imp Mask (Damaged)).

The Dark Underbelly: Study the Sacrificial Altar (Area through the furnace).
(Requires: 36 Archaeology)(Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology Experience, Ritual Dagger (Damaged)).

Starry Eyed: Study the Star Lodge Sign (North-West corner of Star Lodge Cellar).
(Requires: 40 Archaeology)(Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology Experience, Opulent Wine Goblet (Damaged)).

Deeper and Down: Study the Hellhound Marker (by the Byzroth Remains (Check minimap)).
(Requires: 68 Archaeology)(Rewards: 6,000 Archaeology Experience, Spiked Dog Collar (Damaged)).

Who Dis?: Study the Dagon Portal (Dagon's Outlook that leads to Hydra Portal).
(Requires: 68 Archaeology)(Rewards: 6,000 Archaeology Experience, Chaos Star (Damaged)).

Hell Mouths: Study the Hydra Gate at the Bottom of the Infernal Source.
(Requires: 98 Archaeology)(Rewards: 23,809 Archaeology Experience, Hellfire Katar (Damaged)).

Infernal Source Mysteries:

Eyes in their Stars: Interact with the Gutted Fireplace; Find the 4 Founder Journals; Collect 2 Dagon Crests from the Star Lodge Storage Chests; Excavate Lodge Art Storage for a 3rd Dagon Crest and Excavate Lodge Bar Storage for the Materials to Restore them; Add the 3 Dagon Crests to the Fireplace; Interact with the Fireplace twice to gain access to the next area; Mystery Completed!
(Requires: 24 Archaeology)(Rewards: 1,300 ArchaeologyExperience; Access to the Dungeon of Disorder).

Embrace the Chaos: Find the 4 Cultist Journal Pages and read them; Enter back Chamber of the second Area and grab a piece of chalk and 3 red candles from the box; Interact with smeared chalk circle to fix it; Add the 3 candles to the candle holders around the circle; Chant over each candle like this:
  • East Candle- "Et, Daemonium, Renascitur"
  • North Candle- "Ceterum, Aperuerit, Ianuam"
  • West Candle- "Ordo, Animam, Capit"
A portal will open to the third area and the Mystery will be completed!
 (Requires: 29 Archaeology and Eyes in the Stars Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 1,400 Archaeology Experience, Access to the Source (Vestibule of Futility)).

Contract Claws: Interact with each portal to receive a coin (hints to what to do to access each Gargoyle through their respective portals).
(Requires: 29 Archaeology, 37 Prayer, Land of the Goblins, Rocking Out or the Feud Quests, Eyes in the Stars and Embrace the Chaos Mysteries Completed)(Rewards: 1,400 Archaeology Experience)

Puzzle Solutions-
  • Aries (Step through the Portal with a Dog Following you - A dog can be purchased at the pet shops in Taverly or Yanille to easily complete)
  • Taurus (Use the Angry Emote to unlock the portal - use it again before talking to the Gargoyle)
  • Gemini (A checked Harlequin cow or a Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate cow to offer to the Gargoyle)
  • Cancer (Bring a red dye for the Gargoyle)
  • Leo (Hurt yourself to unlock the portal - I personally used a Zamorak Brew)
  • Virgo (Bacon to feed the Gargoyle (Ironmen - Bringing Home the Bacon Quest and 49 Farming))
  • Libra (Raspberry emote to unlock portal and use again at the Gargoyle)
  • Scorpio (Frog Spawn in inventory (33 Fishing in the Lumbridge Caves))
  • Sagittarius (Activate an overhead prayer - 37 Prayer required for Protect from Magic)
  • Capricorn (Fake beard (Rocking Out quest, Santa beard or the desert disguise now also work))
  • Aquarius (Goblin Potion to turn into a Goblin (Land of the Goblins Quest (Turn back into a human when the Gargoyle tells you to)))
  • Pisces (Dragon Bones for the Gargoyle)
Dagon Bye: Restore a Chaos Star (68 Archaeology) and descend to the bottom of the third area (use the Chaos star on the Dagon Portal to allow access to the demon at the bottom of the pit); He will give you a puzzle;press the correct buttons that flare up in the correct order, The solution is as follows:
  • Libra (0 limbs)
  • Virgo (4 Limbs)
  • Scorpio (8 Limbs)
  • Aquarius (4 Limbs)
  • Libra (0 Limbs)
  • Pisces (0 Limbs)
  • Virgo (4 Limbs)
  • Aries (4 Limbs)
  • Sagittarius (6 Limbs)
  • Pisces (0 Limbs)
  • Capricorn (2 Limbs)
  • Aquarius (4 Limbs)
  • Aquarius (4 Limbs)
After solving the puzzle, sign a pact with Dagon which will unlock Ancient Summoning; Congratulations All Mysteries in Infernal Source Completed (You can also bring Dagon 2 Hell Katar's at 98 Archaeology)!
 (Requires: 68 Archaeology, Contract Claws Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 8,400 Archaeology Experience, Ancient Summoning Unlocked).

Messages In This Thread
Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-04 04:32:09
RE: Archaeology Starter Guide - by White Cloak - 2020-04-04 07:45:48
RE: Archaeology Starter Guide - by Saint Kain - 2020-04-04 14:18:56
RE: Archaeology Starter Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-04 14:41:53
RE: Archaeology Starter Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-04 16:04:22
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Kermen - 2020-04-04 16:47:44
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-04 16:57:07
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Lady Spyra - 2020-04-04 22:35:33
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-05 01:48:03
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-05 16:56:41
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-06 13:39:55
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-09 19:19:24
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-09 19:20:19
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-10 18:10:19
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-12 02:08:00
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Dazie - 2020-04-13 21:09:36
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-14 12:35:09
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-14 20:36:44
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-16 04:46:05
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-04-19 17:08:22
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Jerome - 2020-04-21 19:25:08
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-12-21 23:35:08
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2020-12-22 02:04:57
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2021-08-17 21:18:02
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2021-08-17 21:47:08
RE: Archaeology Guide - by Aurorae Auri - 2021-08-17 21:58:22

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