Ports out the way is a big step ahead.
Daily/weekly time locks you have are PoF and penguins to keep up with those. Penguins take 4 weeks if you spot them all.
In terms of bigger grinds you've got
Unlocking Waiko.
Arc content took me a good few weeks to get done. It's mostly afk content though, so it's got that going at least.
It might be a good idea to claim an isle with 3 rare resources and deplete them daily.
You can also get a nice chunk of charms and taijitu from doing the arc quest series
My Last Resort
2,000 boss kills. Just camp it out at gwd1 and it should go by in no time
Other than that I think most things are a few hours each. Looks like you'll get there in no time
Daily/weekly time locks you have are PoF and penguins to keep up with those. Penguins take 4 weeks if you spot them all.
In terms of bigger grinds you've got
Unlocking Waiko.
Arc content took me a good few weeks to get done. It's mostly afk content though, so it's got that going at least.
It might be a good idea to claim an isle with 3 rare resources and deplete them daily.
You can also get a nice chunk of charms and taijitu from doing the arc quest series
My Last Resort
2,000 boss kills. Just camp it out at gwd1 and it should go by in no time
Other than that I think most things are a few hours each. Looks like you'll get there in no time
@iWader on Twitter.