2010-11-06 07:21:09
I would say my luckiest time was back in 2005, my friend and I had been using halberds to kill Black dragons in Taverly dungeon. She was using a Dragon halberd and I was using a Rune (lol). We were just camping to have some fun. Well, on one trip, I had an unexpected event happen. I was sitting there, killing my dragon, stab, stab, stab. It finally dies and I see "Sheild left half" on the ground. (Again, this was back in 2005, Dragon squares were 8M and the left half was 7M.) So being a level like 60 or 70 who just got their first dragon drop ever, and it happened to be that much, well I went on a spending spree. I bought a Dragon med, Rune boots, Granite maul, and a Santa hat. (I REALLY wish I kept that Santa...)