2011-08-06 07:49:36
Congratulations to Knight, Zephyr, and Mikuri! Very well deserved recognition for all three of you. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts that you put into this clan!
Can't wait for Surreal's birthday and all the updates to come, thank you Downfall for all your hard work!
I know what it says, but I don't know if I should spoil it. <3
Can't wait for Surreal's birthday and all the updates to come, thank you Downfall for all your hard work!
(2011-08-05 11:58:37)Exbajalator Wrote: whats with the secret message? (VGhpcyBpcyBub3RoaW5nIGNvbXBhcmVkIHRvIHdoYXQgd2UgaGF2ZSBpbiBzdG9yZSBmb3IgeW91Lg==).
I know what it says, but I don't know if I should spoil it. <3