2011-08-22 11:01:39
This is what I wrote a few days ago:
I feel bad since I saw RAF pop up.
Dem History & Future by a normal player who's been here on and of since 2003.
Earlyer on when i started RS ...[insert bla bla]...NO BOTS, little RWT (but only Jagex cared...) and the game was build by people who loved it, their passion. RS was supposed to be fun. (2003)
RuneScape 2 was released...[insert bla bla]... updated mainly graphics to attract kiddies because they care about looks, not the idea behind. RS became more & more the place to talk bad to eachother. Bots started growing btw. (2004)
In the following 3 years escalated what has been started since RS2 full release. Jagex could not handle botting and the disrespect. Appaerently mostly greedy & violenty people did PvP, cuz after the banning of RWT & Wildy (wich everyone including me) hated, bots went away and respect returned.
The following years RS became a more mature environment with only sad grinding-botters & a very strict banning policy. Until begin 2011. (And yes, I voted pro)
Everything positive what has been build on in the past years have been thrown away into a deeper, more sad point than it was back in 2007. As that was for the past.
The future
As you all have seen, Jagex has released this year some updates for dem marketing.
* RWT & Wildy return
* Loyalty programme
* Refer a friend (very recently)
You can see them all as ways to improve membership subscribtions. And in a way I encourage more people ingame. But the last one is only making more useless accounts. As they others are just some steps to get us used to something new. Building their own store, thats how they will counter RWT. Their own RWT store. Cash for them, solves cash-bots.
Face this:
They cannot solve the respect problem, so they make a profanity filter. Solve your own problems.
They cannot solve grinding or cash botting, so they make places in RS where normal people also can get very rich (ROW update) or make more grinding places (Jadinko lair for firemaking by example).
How will they solve the RWT and the current exponentional growing cash botting? They already decided. But they cannot tell us about it [QFC = 14-15-190-63089129 -- Page 128]
Guess what? Microtransactioning will take em out. What Jagex cannot solve, they will let pass. And in this way they can make more cash than ever.
I feel bad since I saw RAF pop up.