Returning to RS and Clanning
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Runescape Name: Gohankuten
Real-life name/nickname: Secret til I get to know you better
Age: 21
Country: United States of America
Describe yourself in one word: Loyal

What made you start playing runescape: Back in 2003 I saw some kids playing it in a library, asked what game it was, and then when I got home I started playing myself.
Favorite Movie: Too many to choose from.
Occupation: College student atm
Other language(s): Only English unfortunately
Hobbies/talents: My hobbies are studying about snakes and other reptiles, reading manga, watching anime, and playing games. I don't really have a talent.

My main passion on RS is quests. I also enjoy skilling occasionally mainly when I need the get the skill up for a quest. I have been inactive from RS for most of this year due to loss of interest but am looking to get back into it. I stopped clanning back in 2009 when the clan I was in closed. I tried to help get it to reopen towards the beginning of this year but it didn't work out due to not enough old members coming together to help get it started back up. I am very loyal to a clan I join. The first clan I joined back in 2004 I stayed with through all its deaths and revivals until it's final death at the end of 2006. I then moved on to the last clan I was apart of and stayed with them until they closed.

My RL is kinda busy but not that busy. I should be graduating with my Bachelors in Biology in Spring and I am working part time as a tutor in the high school my dad works at. I live in south Texas and am always on the computer when I am not in class, working, or sleeping. My favorite color is red and I always wear a red t-shirt and blue jeans no matter what the weather or event IRL is. That's pretty much all there is to know about me.

Messages In This Thread
Returning to RS and Clanning - by Gohankuten - 2011-09-05 03:50:10
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by TJPAB - 2011-09-05 04:34:20
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Meg - 2011-09-05 04:40:01
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Gohankuten - 2011-09-05 04:45:37
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by `Killer - 2011-09-06 03:40:21
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Gohankuten - 2011-09-06 13:29:52
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by `Killer - 2011-09-06 22:48:00
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Gohankuten - 2011-09-06 23:23:44
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Meg - 2011-09-05 04:50:31
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Tay - 2011-09-05 05:22:50
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Evaluate - 2011-09-05 06:58:09
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Shay - 2011-09-05 06:58:28
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by l Zephyr l - 2011-09-05 22:19:27
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Gohankuten - 2011-09-06 00:03:38
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by Witch - 2011-09-06 20:48:33
RE: Returning to RS and Clanning - by old_jon - 2011-09-06 23:46:00

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