G'day. Solid40k 'ere.
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Runescape Name: Solid40k - but at the moment it's Cpark.
Real-life name/nickname: Cameron, but usually called Cam.
Age: 18.
Country: Australia.
Describe yourself in one word: Ambitious!

What made you start playing runescape: A new neighbour moved in next door and I went over to meet them. This was atleast 7 years ago too bare in mind Tongue, So I went over to introduce myself to them and I saw that girl there was playing a video game, so I asked about it and saw what she was playing. She got me into RuneScape and so I made an account to impress her, cos' that's how we get the women back in the day. And after that I really started to enjoy it so I kept playing it.

Favorite Movie: LOTR series I would have to say.
Occupation: KFC Assistant Manager.
Other language(s): Usually screaming at my household with my other siblings :/
Hobbies/talents: Game programming, design, painting and anything with creativity.

Just looking for a casual looking clan and this might be the one. I was on previous clans but they're too demanding for attendance for events and such.

Messages In This Thread
G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Solid40k - 2011-09-06 03:43:29
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by AlchemyHawk - 2011-09-06 03:56:01
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by BrokenDolly - 2011-09-06 04:16:54
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by TJPAB - 2011-09-06 04:18:25
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Shay - 2011-09-06 05:45:36
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Evaluate - 2011-09-06 14:28:29
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Meg - 2011-09-06 15:04:19
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Danny - 2011-09-06 16:03:13
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Kun - 2011-09-06 18:07:53
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Witch - 2011-09-06 20:44:10
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by old_jon - 2011-09-07 00:04:47
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by BurgandyRS - 2011-09-07 02:00:13
RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - by Saintttt - 2011-09-13 05:06:58

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