2010-12-04 16:14:18
my luckiest moment was a good while back, before trade limits and ge and all that, i was sitting in draynor bank (as a f2p), when two people came in. One of them said "here, hold on to these" and logged out or something. When they left, i traded the other person, for no particular reason. They stuck around 600 law runes into the trade (this was alot to me back then, i was like lvl 42 XD). I was really surpried, and put in all the gold that i had, about 12k . They accepted, and i was thinking "no way, they're just gonna decline at the last second..." so i accepted too. Then they accepted on the second screen, and i was like ":O". I got 600 laws for 12k, back when they were worth like 1k each I was so happy lol