The first area just looks like Brimhaven dungeon to me. I think the dragons in picture 2 are iron or steel dragons that are affected by the green lighting, rather than adamant dragons, considering how much the same light affects the player. I think picture 2 is actually a picture of the resource dungeon, which if I'm not mistaken already includes pillars and dragon eggs. Picture 3 has what looks to me like a bronze dragon and the lava looks like one of Brimhaven's agility obstacles. Then there are the guard dogs in picture 1.
The TzHaar update looks all right. I hope they're not all shaped like spheres, but I'm glad they're making the ground easier on the eyes. The dev blog mentions making the need to make quest characters more unique, so it may be a step towards adding some more quests and maybe even expanding the city down the line. I guess they might update the TzHaar equipment too. I think the fire cape could stand to look a little more fearsome.
I believe the third set of images are updated tutorials and in fact I think we're looking at two separate updates here. I think picture 2 is the troll warzone update from the January BTS, which is redoing Burthrope as a new member tutorial area with intros for all the member skills, and on top of that reworking Wolf Whistle/Druidic Ritual (summoning/herblore prerequisites) and Death Plateau. I think pictures 1 & 3 are from Lumbridge, and I think the city is going to get the same treatment and that they will probably update Rune Mysteries along with a few beginner quests.
The TzHaar update looks all right. I hope they're not all shaped like spheres, but I'm glad they're making the ground easier on the eyes. The dev blog mentions making the need to make quest characters more unique, so it may be a step towards adding some more quests and maybe even expanding the city down the line. I guess they might update the TzHaar equipment too. I think the fire cape could stand to look a little more fearsome.
I believe the third set of images are updated tutorials and in fact I think we're looking at two separate updates here. I think picture 2 is the troll warzone update from the January BTS, which is redoing Burthrope as a new member tutorial area with intros for all the member skills, and on top of that reworking Wolf Whistle/Druidic Ritual (summoning/herblore prerequisites) and Death Plateau. I think pictures 1 & 3 are from Lumbridge, and I think the city is going to get the same treatment and that they will probably update Rune Mysteries along with a few beginner quests.
"The only thing an adult can give a child is a yellow cape." - Chuck Jones