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Quote: Age: I forget?
Favorite Movie: Snatch
Hobbies/talents: Outdoor sport/activities (cycling, baseball, fishing...), photography, currently my puppy as she's getting the bulk of my free time.

@ Age: I forget?
Me too!!!!!!!!!! Lol

@ Favourite Movie: Snatch
ummm *reminds self this isn't the adult's forum section* no
comment. No

@ Hobbies/telents: ... my puppy...
be sure to post a picture of your pet in the forums. I love puppy
pictures!!! Wub

Welcome Seamus! Enjoy your stay. Good
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor


Messages In This Thread
Hello - by Seamus - 2012-03-10 00:39:01
RE: Hello - by Evaluate - 2012-03-10 06:35:52
RE: Hello - by Witch - 2012-03-10 15:53:25
RE: Hello - by Jos - 2012-03-11 16:42:33
RE: Hello - by Wader - 2012-03-11 17:29:13
RE: Hello - by Angus - 2012-03-12 05:00:44
RE: Hello - by Bug - 2012-03-14 08:53:54
RE: Hello - by deckard - 2012-03-14 13:55:11
RE: Hello - by TJPAB - 2012-03-18 05:19:15
RE: Hello - by old_jon - 2012-03-19 03:29:54

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