[Complete] App [Complete]

Current Runescape Display Name: NZ
Original Runescape Name: El_Benno11
IRC Nickname (if applicable):
Overall level: 1957

A screenshot of your account saying "S R L <3" in the Runescape Chatbox: http://i53.tinypic.com/2d7uc0x.png

Reason why you are applying: I'd like to experience being in a clan.
Your favorite Runescape skill/activity: Buying supplies for buyable skills, but I try to stay away from that because of my bank. I enjoy Slayer, Mining, Crafting and I really enjoyed Stealing Creation when I played it last, but it was so long ago I could find it dreadfully boring.
What other clans have you involved yourself with (please be detailed): Was starting to get involved in a new clan called Eclipsic, but it appears the leader can't really be bothered with it. I can't remember the name of the clan, but I was looking to get involved with another one a few months ago, but it required too much of me.

By submitting my application I agree that I have thoroughly read and understood all of Surreal's Official Rules and Requirements. I will follow these rules when associating myself in a situation where I am directly involved with Surreal or representing the clan in any way and will accept relevant punishment should I delve away from these rules.

I agree to stay active unless legitimate reasoning is given, to fulfill the requirements of my Provisional application and that I am in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and will continue to be. All of the information I have submitted in this application is my own and I am not in association with any real-world trading or botting communities.

Do you agree? Yes

<You> !cmb% NZ
<RuneScript> *** [ COMBAT % ]: Nz is 34.27% combat based, with 19,910,403 combat based exp, and 58,102,060 total exp.

Messages In This Thread
App [Complete] - by Kemosabe - 2010-10-21 08:47:29
RE: App - by Downfall - 2010-10-21 08:52:37

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