Hey there Surrealists!
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Runescape Name: SRL Frosty
Real-life name/nickname: Brandon
Age: 19
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Chilled

What got you started playing Runescape? When I was young my closest friend played it, he showed me one day, but I only got the chance to play when I was at his house. Finally, got internet at my own house like years later, in those years I barely played at all, and I got addicted again. I always feel so accomplished when I reach a certain goal
Favourite movie: Saving Private Ryan (various war films)
Occupation: Customer Service
Other Language(s): American, Canadian, British etc..
Hobbies/Talents: I like playing bass guitar, like a good game of golf, and I love gaming, just in general

Messages In This Thread
Hey there Surrealists! - by Frosty - 2011-01-02 07:04:29
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Meg - 2011-01-02 17:31:04
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Frosty - 2011-01-02 22:10:01
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Bug - 2011-01-03 00:20:11
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Jason - 2011-01-05 13:19:59
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Ryan - 2011-01-05 17:29:23
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Downfall - 2011-01-05 17:31:15
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Zatumal - 2011-01-05 17:43:52
RE: Welcome to the Latest - by Bug - 2011-01-06 00:17:05
RE: Hey there Surrealists! - by Frosty - 2011-03-13 13:22:08

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