Open door; get on floor; proceed to do dinosaur

Runescape Name: Rex Advenes
Real-life name/nickname: Iris. Also goes by Rex, Rexie, Rexy, Ie, and "Oh god not her again."
Age: 25
Country: The Netherlands
Describe yourself in one word: Adorkable.

What made you start playing Runescape: Sis wanted me to play because she needed someone to do Shield of Arrrav with, and she also needed something that she was better at than me. Joke's on her, look who's still around. 
Favorite Movie: The Last Samurai
Occupation: student biomedical analist. 
Other language(s): Dutch, English, German, French, Latin, Greek, weeb level Japanese, and I also speak biomedical lingo. 
Hobbies/talents: Can and will eat an entire 500ml bucket of Ben&Jerry's in one sitting. Other than that, I like reading, writing, watching anime, and wasting xp. There's probably a whole lot more I'm forgetting but alas, the preasure to perform is crushing my wittiness. 

Messages In This Thread
Open door; get on floor; proceed to do dinosaur - by Rex Advenes - 2017-11-29 18:23:10

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