[Update] Children of Mah | Nautilus Pack | Thanksgiving
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[Image: RS-16_News-Main_Children-of-Mah.jpg]

The godly rumble to end them all is waiting to kick off on Freneskae. That's right - Children of Mah is here, and we can't wait for you to get your hands on it.

Elsewhere, we've got an elegant, aquatic number from Solomon's Store, and the return of the Thanksgiving turkey-catching event.

Read on to find out more!

Children of Mah | Grandmaster Quest

How to Start
Speak to Kharshai beneath Rellekka
RuneScape membership
The Light Within
Dishonour among Thieves
Koschei's Troubles
Fate of the Gods

Kharshai's in a sticky situation as the quest begins, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. The Mahjarrat are dying...and there's no way they're going quietly.

Join the great and the mighty on an epic jaunt across worlds, relive one of the defining moments of Gielinor's history, and prepare to find out what will happen when Zaros and Zamorak finally meet again. 

Rewards & Early Bird Bonus

Suitably epic, the rewards for Children of Mah include swathes of XP – 100k each in Agility and Divination, plus a tome that awards 100k in a skill of your choice (50k if used on Invention), which can be used three times. Complete the quest in the first two weeks, and you'll get an extra use out of this tome as an Early Bird Bonus.

You'll also get access to a new Slayer assignment (unlockable for 50 slayer points). The new enemies can drop new t85 ranged power gloves, which make the Snipe ability 25% more accurate and allow movement while it charges.

There's a pocket-slot item that – while equipped - makes enemies in the Heart of Gielinor non-aggressive, and increases your max multiplier.

On top of all that, there's a new pet, an armour override, and ancient memories in Guthixian caches.

Solomon's Store | Nautilus Pack

Ride the crest of fashion's wave with the Nautilus Pack, now available in Solomon's Store.

[Image: Social_fbtw_Nautilus_outfit.jpg]

Style yourself a lord or lady of the high seas with this salt-jewelled raiment, which includes: 
  • Full five-piece armour override

  • Two-handed weapon overrides: sword, crossbow and trident

  • Companion pet

  • Teleport animation

Indulge yourself in this maritime treat today. Need RuneCoins? You can redeem Bonds in game, click 'Buy RuneCoins' in Solomon's Store, or buy via the website.

Thanksgiving | Turkey Hide & Seek

The Thanksgiving event returns at 00:00 UTC on Thursday 24th November, running for five days.

The turkeys are loose once again, the Lumbridge Cook needs your help corralling the gobbling horde. Speak to him to get a clue book and get started. 

There are 25 of the errant fowl to find in total – 10 in free-to-play areas, 15 in members' areas – with a number of rewards as you round up more of the birds:

10 turkeys
  • Turkey transmogrification ability (by speaking to the cook's brother)

  • Thanksgiver title (from Thanksgiving 2014)

  • Herald cape turkey crest (from Thanksgiving 2011)

  • Give Thanks emote (from Thanksgiving 2008)
20 turkeys
  • Medium XP lamp

  • Mackers pet (from Thanksgiving 2011)
25 turkeys
  • Large XP lamp
Enjoy hunting them down – and look out from some unique new dialogue!


Today an epic tale concludes, but it leads on to the final act. Look out for more information on Sliske's Endgame...coming soon!

The RuneScape Team


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Feel free to contact me any time about anything Biggrin <3 
Wow sounds like an epic quest and good rewards! During winter break I really ought to do all quests and catch up on the amazing lore Jagex have created.

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