General Interface/Bar Setup
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Hi All! One of the things I can be obsessive about is interfaces and bars.  Probably from my WoW healer days.  I use a Razer Naga (12 button macro mouse) so hitting 1 through = on my mouse isn't an issue.  Here's my general setup with some space for abilities.  This takes into account the user has 3 additional bars up.

The reason why the summoning familiar and mage/def abilities are higher is because I'm anal and want to see my familiars 3D image. This is at 1980x1020 res.

See the link for full resolution:

[Image: gFBjsnI.png]
That's a pretty slick setup! I've really wanted to get around to doing something like this -- but how does it behave when you resize it down? I'm pretty indecisive about what size the window is when I'm playing, which can cause the interface to go all over the shop.

I'm literally embarrassed to show what mine looks like - I have NO idea where anything is. LOL
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[Image: 1irMSXL.png]

Simple and easy
(2016-12-04 05:57:24)Downfall Wrote:  That's a pretty slick setup! I've really wanted to get around to doing something like this -- but how does it behave when you resize it down? I'm pretty indecisive about what size the window is when I'm playing, which can cause the interface to go all over the shop.

I'm literally embarrassed to show what mine looks like - I have NO idea where anything is. LOL

Yeah. it doesn't behave unless its 1920 x 1080.  For lower resolutions, you could merge the familiar bar with the magic/def bar, and merge the chat.  You don't really need the 4th action bar in most situations, i use it for drop spamming/skilling/etc whatever.  It's just there because it works nicely.
Not bad. there's no way to change prayers or use abilities not on your primary bar tho.  Part of the reason why there's so much is because you can see my familiar bar for special attacks or BoB items (very useful for bossing) and my full set of prayer, as well as defensive abilities and magic debuffs.  I also have hotkeys for potions and healing, so i don't have to physically click my inventory.  All main prayers are bound to shift+ as well, for fast applications.

Your bar doesn't allow for quick swapping and I don't even see a prayer bar.  Quick prayers and food don't always behave nicely, and if you need to emergency eat, or anything goes wrong, you don't have the ability to change easily.

One thing I did notice is your buffs are far away from your action bar. You'll never see when potions are up if you have to look across the screen in the middle of a bossfight.

You also have poorly optimized ranged bar. Look into redoing your bars for dps.  One of the advantages of my bars is that I can keep my dps bars dps and have skilling bars.
[Image: 97c45ff4d1.jpg]

This is mine.. which I dont know if I have really seen too many that are like this. My semi-mild-OCD kicks in if the actual game window isnt a square and there are different levels of the interface blocking the game window (if that even makes sense haha)
[Image: pmRHyWO.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png][Image: user1-dark.png]
Feel free to contact me any time about anything Biggrin <3 
I have a very small screen so I can't have everything opened like that. Since I don't boss and I mainly skill this is how mine looks.

[Image: 2rdx1qf.jpg]
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
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