Hi, I'm Robert
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Hey everyone!

Runescape Name: Huutaa
Real-life name/nickname: Robert/Roba
Age: 20
Country: Finland
Describe yourself in one word: Hopeful

What made you start playing runescape: I started about 11 years ago when my friend introduced me to the game. A lot has happened since then.
Favorite Movie: The Green Mile
Occupation: Unemployed
Other language(s): Finnish and Swedish
Hobbies/talents: Sailing and web coding. Latter only self thought and I've managed to do a few simple projects. Clan forums and homepage being on of them.

Now that I've started I might as well tell a little more about myself.
So I'm a 20-year old guy from Finland and this January I had to start my compulsory military service with The Finnish Defence Forces. This is something that every male in Finland has to go through at some point in one way or another. I ended up being there almost a year (347 days) and just got back home last week. I've got to say that it was one hell of an experience and one of the best, if not the best, year of my life.
The whole thing is still so fresh in my mind that it's probably the only thing I want to, or even am capable of, talking about at the time being.
Enough about that though. Beginning of 2017 I have to start studying for entrance exams to university and hopefully find some work. Good luck me, eh!

Then Scape...
I have a main which was comped before I had to quit for army. Right now I'm probably just going to afk fishvention there and focus more on this account. Still need to get that 1k total to join but at these low levels, I doubt it'll be long.

Here's an image of my current stats.

[Image: mulv90K.png]

Any suggestions on what I should do for that 1k total are appreciated.
That's about it.

Thanks if u read it all and hoping to see you all soon. smile

I found this on the application form just now. "I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules". Didn't find what these rules are anywhere so what does this mean. Can I be in another clan on my main?
Hi Robert! I raced to 1k to join the clan, too! My advice is to focus on your lowest skills, since they level up the fastest. Also, if you're able, visiting our citadel and skilling there each week will help you greatly. Especially the obelisk skill plot, which levels your summoning. With yours so low, you'll gain 20 levels almost immediately!

Best of luck my friend!
Welcome to Surreal Robert Yahoo
@Linda will be thrilled to have another Scandinavian here Tongue

And web coding Wub (teacher web development here  Grin )

What are you planning on doing at the university?  smile

And the application rules regarding multi-clanning is that 1 account can't be in 2 clans at the same time. So if your main is in another clan and your new account joins us (which you hopefully will) when reaching 1K total, you're totally safe Wink
[Image: UvXSfs2.png]
[Image: kCsmlGL.jpg][Image: user1-dark.png]
Take a look at my awesome G&A-thread here!
Annual Surreal Awards 2016 (Click to View)
Yes, Linda is thrilled to have another Nordic in the clan! Biggrin I will catch (and collect) them all!
Apologies for being quiet when you guested the cc earlier today. Waiting for this stupid cold to pass, so that my brain can start working again.
Anyways.. Hope to see you back in the cc soon! smile
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]
Heya Robert!

Nice to meet ya. As Geech said, leveling up those lower levels is the best method to race to 1k total. Plots in the citadel work really well, but I see that slayer could be a good option, since it levels your combat as well as your slayer level.

Anyway, good to have ya. Hope to see you in-game!
Hi there Rob smile welcome to Surreal. Make yourself right at home Biggrin!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Hey Robert! Welcome to Surreal smile Questing helps with levelling, as do tears of guthix (quest required), penguin D&D (questing helps as a few pengs will be in quest areas), the monthly construction D&D offers a good chunk of construction xp as well as slayer or prayer xp depending what you build (not sure but there may be some requirements to do it). That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

If you ever have any questions about Surreal or anything just let us know! Can't wait for you to be able to be an official part of the Surreal family! Wub
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Welcome to Surreal! As for what skills to do, I'd recommend doing a little slayer (since it's lower and will level reasonably quickly) while still getting some combat xp. You'll get there in a flash, though. Doing the summoning quest (I'm pretty sure it puts you at level three when you're done) would also help. We're so excited to have you joining us soon!
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
Ty everyone. What a warm welcome smile

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