Guides to Merching?
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Magnifying Glass 
I've never been good at boss fighting so making money is slow for me but I do manage to make some from my skills. I would love to start getting into merching to make some extra but I have no clue where to begin. IDK if I can't see the post anymore because I'm an honored memeber or it's just gone but I could have sworn someone here made a great merching guide on step by step of how to do it and everything. If someone could help me I would greatly appreciate it Biggrin

Thanks  Wub
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
There are some YouTube guides but it's like any stock market you have to see the trend of a popular item
I usually consider the 1 day and 3 month trends. It's quite difficult tonight if I have time I will show you some examples of things I've done in the past
(2017-02-21 22:43:14)Thorgrimssen Wrote:  There are some YouTube guides but it's like any stock market you have to see the trend of a popular item
I usually consider the 1 day and 3 month trends. It's quite difficult tonight if I have time I will show you some examples of things I've done in the past
Yeah last I tried to learn it was difficult for me to grasp on my own so I gave up. I'm not in a hurry to learn, so any time you want to give me would be greatly appreciated. It's just one of those things I think it's time to learn so I can invest in something.
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
So when you look for item trends within 1 day and 3 months what do you look for exactly?
(2017-02-21 23:49:53)Jerome Wrote:  So when you look for item trends within 1 day and 3 months what do you look for exactly?

Yeah that's what I'm curious about too. 
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
Well in a 1 day trend you can tell if the prior day it had been purchased a lot if the price went up.
Chances are if on the 3 month trend if the price was going up gradually then it's a good investment.
If over 3 months the price went up slowly but in the past day it went down slightly then it's a low risk
Investment. Like if grimy guams are 3 gold each 3 months ago and went up to 12 gold currently but went down 2 gold the day before
I'd invest buying there as a low risk. Because if you buy up the stock then the price will continue to rise slowly meaning you'll risk
Very little and profit very little. If the curves over 3 months are more extreme the risk goes up. As an experienced player you know
Key items that have been traded and are being traded as necessities. Examples are herbs to make overloads. Those generally are a
Lower risk because there's always a buyer and a seller.
(2017-02-22 00:38:55)Thorgrimssen Wrote:  Well in a 1 day trend you can tell if the prior day it had been purchased a lot if the price went up.
Chances are if on the 3 month trend if the price was going up gradually then it's a good investment.
If over 3 months the price went up slowly but in the past day it went down slightly then it's a low risk
Investment. Like if grimy guams are 3 gold each 3 months ago and went up to 12 gold currently but went down 2 gold the day before
I'd invest buying there as a low risk. Because if you buy up the stock then the price will continue to rise slowly meaning you'll risk
Very little and profit very little. If the curves over 3 months are more extreme the risk goes up. As an experienced player you know
Key items that have been traded and are being traded as necessities. Examples are herbs to make overloads. Those generally are a
Lower risk because there's always a buyer and a seller.

Last time I tried to learn I was shown with Oak Planks, is it still pretty much like that what your explaining with the most traded items? I don't have a ton of money, and like I said I do make a decent amount, but it's made slowly. I did invest in some stuff to make that I bought cheap and the finished item is worth more, which I don't mind doing as it helps XP gain, but I don't always want to do that since it's a much slower way to gain money.

How do you know when it's the right time to sell? Do you wait a few days after you buy, or do you just dump them back in GE but at a higher sell price and wait?
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
You take into account that if your risk is high you want to earn big money so you wait. But the longer you wait the more likely an item is to crash. Personally I look at 10% if an item goes up 10% I will resell if it goes up less after a day I will wait. There was a time I did a merch and in 2 days it went up 8% the first day so I bought more then it went up 22% the second day so I sold. That particular merch I only made 1.9m. But you just have to take a shot at what you want to make and what you value each item to be in the game. Like when dxp gets announced buy up all resources and then dump them a week before that another thing I like to do every dxp. Either way a lot of it is a hope and a prayer since you can't predict what the community will buy but with jagex showing trends it's a lot easier to predict

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