2017-04-16 00:33:24
RuneScape Name: Alfie Boss
Total level:2178
Combat level:128
Location or Timezone: United Kingdom- GMT
Have you been referred here? If so, by whom? I Know JeliBelski would refer me
How can you contribute to our clan?:
Name other clans you have involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: I was once a huge clan owner before a year ago when I decided to quit RS. I have a lot of experiences with clans in my past. I just returned a couple weeks ago and bought membership. This clan is exactly what I was looking for.
By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules and do my best to maintain activity. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.
Do you agree to the above statements? Yes
Total level:2178
Combat level:128
Location or Timezone: United Kingdom- GMT
Have you been referred here? If so, by whom? I Know JeliBelski would refer me
How can you contribute to our clan?:
Name other clans you have involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: I was once a huge clan owner before a year ago when I decided to quit RS. I have a lot of experiences with clans in my past. I just returned a couple weeks ago and bought membership. This clan is exactly what I was looking for.
By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules and do my best to maintain activity. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.
Do you agree to the above statements? Yes